This is Rachel(Kris's friend) & Kris (my daughter). Rachel and Ruby are new friends. After riding for a few minutes Rachel decided it was ok to wave at Duke. The girls had a great time! And so did I!!
This is what the guys did yesterday on the barn!! Starting to look like a barn!! We found out today that we can get the loan to finish the barn! :) God is good!!
LOFHM exist to engage people, including those with disabilities, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the unique and enjoyable activities related to horses and horseback riding.
Contact Information
Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering or participating in our program or for more information!!
I am married to Duke with 4 wonderful children. We have been married for 20 years. Our goal in life is to follow God's will. Hopefully we can help others to follow God's will in their life to!!
We did some more work on the barn really looks like a barn. The walls are up on most of it.